Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

Murder Mystery 2 is a Roblox game created by Nikilis. All substantial events and updates relating to Murder Mystery 2 or its predecessor Murder Mystery are listed below on the table in chronological order.


January 18th Murder Mystery is created by Nikilis.[1]
January 31st Roblox themselves give a game review regarding Murder Mystery.
April 26th Murder Mystery reaches 10 million visits. [2]
June 21st Nikilis wins the 2014 Bloxy Award for the Most Visited Game of the Year [3] [4]
July 11st Nikilis updates the game to include new GUI. [5]
December 13th Nikilis changes his Twitter username from @xnikb to @NikilisRBX.[6]
December 27th Nikilis releases Murder Mystery 2. [7], the sequel made to compete with The Mad Murderer and Twisted Murderer.
December 28th Nikilis releases the code update and gives out the first codes: "R3PT1L3" and "F1RSTC0D3", which expire two days after. [8][9]
December 29th Several people lose their items due to the corruption of their data in what is known to be the Data Loss Glitch of 2014, Nikilis awards them Corrupt as compensation.[10]Nikilis releases House and Mansion.
December 30th Nikilis releases a new code: N30N, that was supposed to expire after 24 hours.[11]
December 31st The code N30N expires 12 hours early but was later fixed by Nikilis.[12]
Nikilis adds a new rank in the Murder Mystery group -- "Hero" -- for people who have developed for MM2.[13]
Nikilis releases a fan t-shirt which costs 20 tix.[14]
Nikilis releases a new code: 2015, which was set to expire on January 1st, 11:59PM UTC for the new year.[15]


January 5th Nikilis releases a new code: INF3CT3D which was set to expire in 7 days.[16]
January 7th Nikilis releases the MLG Box[17]
January 14th New recipes and Gun Box 2 are implemented onto the game [18][19]
April 1st Inventories now include how much of a weapon a player has.[20]
April 7th Knife Box #3 is released.[21]
April 16th Gun Box #3 is released.[22]
April 22nd The exclusive Elite knife is released for players who have bought the Elite gamepass.[23]
May 2nd The Hotel map, created by Zyleak is released.
October 11st Murder Mystery 2 is given a major update, including a new Lobby and category in the Shop.[24][25][26]
October 15th The Bio Lab map, created by Zyleak, is released.[27]
October 18th The Murder Mystery 2 Subreddit is created[28] and the Sparkle Time Pack is released.[29][30]
October 29th The first event, the 2015 Halloween Event is released.[31]
October 30th Knife Box #4 is released.[32]
November 4th The 2015 Halloween Event officially ends.[33]
November 15th The MLG Box is renamed to the Chroma Box due to copyright reasons. All weapons in this box with copyrighted logos were altered to comply. The victory music is also replaced with four new songs to comply with copyright.[34][35]
December 19th The 2015 Christmas Event is released.[36]
December 20th The Recycler is introduced for the first time, items with the same rarity can be combined to create a random item from the rarity above.[37]
December 23rd Gamemodes are released. Casual would allow players to play in third person and to play as oneself, while Hardcore kept the same aspects of the game before the update.[38]Nikilis makes a note on his dislike for Casual mode.[39]
December 25th Radios, along with the Radio Gamepass, are implemented to Casual players only.[40]


January 8th A new update is released, it includes a redesign of the shop, inventory, power (then perk) GUIs, radio skins, and bug fixes.[41] The update also marked the end of the 2015 Christmas Event.[42]
January 11th Toys, which have now been merged with Emotes, are added into the game.[43]
January 23rd House2 and Office3 are added into the game.

Although, neither House or Office 2 would be removed, instead they would be removed at a later date.

February 5th Pets are added.[44]
February 8th Nikilis wins two 2016 BLOXY Awards for the Favorite Updated Game and the Best Free-For-All Multiplayer Game.[45]
February 9th Bank, built by Thexz, is released as the first interactive map.[46] Also, the Clockwork Item Pass is released as the first item pass.[47][48]
February 14th The minor Valentine's Event is released.[49]
February 18th Knife Box #5 is released, with knife skins made by didi1147.[50]
February 22nd The 8-Bit Item Pack is released, while the Clockwork Item Pack was put offsale.[51]
March 22nd The Futuristic Item Pack is released, it is the first item pack with a gun.[52]
March 25th The minor Easter Event is released.[53]
May 20th Coin bags are updated to include 10 coins, Elite players can hold 15.[54]
June 1st The House map, is removed from the game.
June 22nd Murder Mystery 2 is available to play on XBOX One, players also receive an exclusive Xbox knife.[55]
July 2nd The American Item Pack is released[56] and the Futuristic Item Pack is taken offsale.[57]
July 6th The Randomized Faces Gamepass is taken offsale due to low sales.[58]
July 14th The official Murder Mystery 2 forum is released.[59]
August 5th Murder Mystery 2 is made available for phones.[60]
August 6th The Chroma Box is replaced with the Rainbow Box.[61]
September 16th Thexz and didi1147 release their first YouTube video, in their channel JD.[62] The video is endorsed and promoted by Nikilis.[63]
October 28th The 2016 Halloween Event[64] and the first official Murder Mystery 2 merchandise is released.[65]
October 31st The official Murder Mystery 2 Facebook page is released.[66]
November 5th The first Eternal knife is released and obtained via buying merch in[67]
November 14th Roblox gives a game review again, this time about the new version.
December 25th The Christmas Event 2016 is released.[68]


January 13th The 2016 Christmas Event ends, however, players are still allowed to exchange gifts for the following 2 days.[69]
February 1st The Hospital2 map is added.
February 2nd The Assassin gamemode is added.[70]
February 9th Murder Mystery 2 reaches 300 million visits.[71]
April 15th The Mansion2 map is added.
June 10th The Police Station map is added.[72][73]
August 27th The Factory map is added.
October 27th The Halloween Event 2017 is released.[74]
November 14th The old lobby is replaced.[75]
December 25th The Christmas Event 2017 is released.[76]


February 17th Murder Mystery 2 wins the Best Lobby of the 2018 BLOXY Awards.[77]
July 18th Murder Mystery 2 reaches 1 billion visits.[78]
October 11th Murder Mystery 2 adds support for R15 and removes R6.[79]
October 17th Bank is replaced by Bank 2.[80]
October 25th The Halloween Event 2018 is released.[81]
November 12th The 2018 Halloween Event officially ends.[82]
November 17th Eternal II is released as the second weapon in the Eternal series, it is obtained by buying something in[83]
December 23rd The Christmas Event 2018 is released.[84]
December 24th The Christmas event is updated. A new godly, the Ginger Luger is added, as well as new radios, effects, and bug fixes.[85]


May 25th A major update, Season 1 is released. The update includes: new mystery box, new pet egg, trading on phones, new coin bag limit, new crafting recipe, new maps, new coin, new GUI, and the introduction of Chroma Weapons for all classic boxes.[86]
June 9th New merchandise is released to the MM2 shop, it includes the third addition to the Eternal series: Eternal III.[87]
October 26th The Halloween Event 2019 is released.[88]
October 29th In order to make the Halloween Event easier, Nikilis changed the candy bag limit to 60, he added super candies which give 5 extra candies, and daily challenges for free tiers.[89]
November 16th The Halloween Event 2019 ends, although players still had time to spend their candies.[90]
December 6th The fourth installment of the Eternal series was released in the merch shop, Eternalcane, as a christmas special.[91]
December 23rd The Christmas Event 2019 is released.[92]


March 5th Nikilis adds a minor update. The update includes a new mystery box; Mystery Box 2, a new interactive map; Research Lab, a new godly; Bioblade, and other improvements on game mechanics.[93]
March 18th VIP Servers are updated to have a "1v1 mode".[94]
March 21st Murder Mystery 2 wins XBOX Game of the Year.[95]
May 2nd Nikilis adds two new powers, Sprint and Trap. In this update, Nikilis also allows emotes bought in the Roblox Avatar Shop to be used.[96]
July 8th Murder Mystery 2 reaches 3 billion visits.[97]
July 17th Godly knife Prismatic is released as a purchasable weapon.[98]
October 26th The first part of the Halloween Event 2020 is released.[99]
November 8th The second part of the Halloween Event 2020 is released after being delayed.[100]
November 22nd The Halloween Event 2020 officially ends.[100]
December 23rd The Christmas Event 2020 is fully released after being incompletely released on December 14th of the year.[101]


January 13th The Christmas Event 2020 ends, although the pre-release lobby is still in place.[101]
February 20th Godly knife Heartblade is released as a purchasable weapon.[102]
April 4th Godly knife Eggblade is released as a purchasable weapon.[103]
April 13th Hasbro announces its partnering with Roblox, including the release of promotional in-game weapons upon buying a Hasbro Nerf blaster product. They were expected to be released sometime during Fall 2021.[104]
June 28th The Hasbro promo Gun SharkSeeker is released.[105]
August 18th Godly knife Nebula is released as a purchasable weapon.[106]
October 24th The 2021 Halloween Event is released, it is named "Reaver's Halloween" by Nikilis.[107]
December 21st The 2021 Christmas Event is released.[108]


January 28th The Christmas Event 2021 ends.
April 20th MM2 receives an update to combat Duping Issues.
July 1st The Plasma Bundle Gamepass is released.
October 16th The 2022 Halloween Event is released. It includes two new maps, Mineshaft and Barn (Infection). Upon joining, you have to pick one team or the other: Survivor, or Zombie. The goal is for one team to get the most candies, in which the Survivor team won.

Along with new gamepasses for the Spectre and Phantom weapons.

November 10th The 2022 Halloween Event Ends.
December 21st The 2022 Christmas Event is released. The event includes a New Christmas Map called Ice Castle.

Along with a new Icecrusher EVO Gamepass.


January 22nd The Christmas Event 2022 Ends.
February 2nd The minor Valentines Event 2023 is released.

It includes new Gamepasses for Blossom, Sakura and the Petals Effect.

March 23rd The Valentines Event 2023 Ends.
April 2nd The minor Easter Event 2023 is released.

Gamepasses for the Rainbow Knife, Rainbow Gun and the Rainbow Effect are also released.

May 3rd The Easter Event 2023 Ends.
July 4th The minor Summer Event 2023 is released.

It includes new gamepasses, a New Lobby and new Summer themed Items.

July 10th VIP servers are updated, the update allows the Round Time to be changed.
July 23rd The gamemodes GUI gets an overhaul, Casual Mode and Hardcore Mode are both renamed to Standard and Disguises.
July 28th The ability to join the gamemodes is introduced to mobile players.

And the Assassin Mode Target UI is updated.

October 10th The minor Summer Event 2023 Ends.
October 17th The Halloween Event 2023 is released.
November 21st The Thanksgiving Event 2023 was released, introducing the first food shaped Godly.
December 20th The Christmas Event 2023 is released.


February 2nd The Christmas Event 2023 ends. You can no longer collect anymore Snow Tokens. around the maps.

Reverted all of the Christmas maps to their normal look.

February 3rd Changed The Murder Mystery 2 game icon back to normal.
April 1st The Easter Event 2024 was released, which included a new lobby, the removal of NStudio and the remodel of Splatter.
July 5th The Summer Event 2024 releases.


  1. Murder Mystery 2 on Roblox by Nikilis
  2. Tweet by Alex Bensen (@alexcbensen)
  3. Tweet by asimo3089 (@asimo3089)
  4. Highlights and Award Winners from Virtual BLOXcon 2014 by Alan Fackler
  5. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  6. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  7. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  8. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  9. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  10. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  11. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  12. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  13. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  14. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  15. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  16. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  17. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  18. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  19. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  20. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  21. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  22. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  23. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  24. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  25. Reply to Nikilis' Tweet by manofdeath35 (@Hawaii4L1FE)
  26. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  27. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  28. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  29. Reddit Post by u/NikilisRBX
  30. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  31. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  32. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  33. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  34. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  35. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  36. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  37. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  38. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  39. Reddit Post by u/NikilisRBX
  40. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  41. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  42. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  43. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  44. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  45. 2016 Bloxy Awards Highlights by Roblox
  46. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  47. Tweet by Jordy240797 (@JordyRBX)
  48. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  49. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  50. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  51. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  52. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  53. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  54. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  55. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  56. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  57. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  58. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  59. Reddit Post by u/NikilisRBX
  60. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  61. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  62. HANDS UP!!! | Murder Mystery 2 on YouTube by JD
  63. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  64. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  65. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  66. Page created - October 31, 2016
  67. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  68. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  69. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  70. NEW ASSASSIN MODE! | Murder Mystery 2 YouTube video by JD
  71. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  72. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  73. Reply to Nikilis' Tweet by VenMcGery TL40X3(@youtubekwal)
  74. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  75. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  76. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  77. 5th Annual Bloxy Awards Highlights by Roblox
  78. Tweet by Roblox (@Roblox)
  79. This tweet references bugs with maps when the R15 update released.
  80. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  81. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  82. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  83. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  84. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  85. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  86. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  87. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  88. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  89. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  90. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  91. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  92. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  93. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  94. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  95. Tweet by Roblox (@Roblox)
  96. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  97. Tweet by Zyleak (@_Zyleak)
  98. Tweet by Nikilis (@NikilisRBX)
  99. Tweet by Zyleak (@_Zyleak)
  100. 100.0 100.1 Halloween Event 2020
  101. 101.0 101.1 Christmas Event 2020
  104. Hasbro. (2021, April 13). Hasbro partners with Roblox. Hasbro Spotlight. Retrieved October 30, 2021, from
  105. Tweet by BloxyNews (@Bloxy_News)
  107. Nikilis on Twitter: "Reaver's Halloween: Out now on Murder Mystery 2. 🎃" / Twitter
  108. Christmas Event 2021
