Space Tycoon, formerly known as No Man's Sky Tycoon and Candy Factory Tycoon, was a 2016 collaboration game with Thexz in which if you played the game itself and completed some achievements, you could earn rewards. Space Tycoon would later get a revamp during the Cotton Candy promotion and was renamed from No Man's Sky Tycoon to Candy Factory Tycoon, matching the theme of the MM2 knife. After the promotion ended, the game's name changed from Candy Factory Tycoon to Space Tycoon.
Space Tycoon was set to private due to Roblox updates which caused the game to be broken. You can still see the badges on the bottom of the game and how many people have earned it.
To get the gun, players needed to complete the tycoon. Once one completed the tycoon, you could buy the Asteroid gun for 1,000,000 cash. The button that awards the gun can be found beside the cash button. After buying the gun, it would appear in your MM2 inventory.
Cotton Candy[]
Unlike the method of obtaining the Asteroid gun, you needed 10,000,000 cash in order to obtain the Cotton Candy knife. The button that awards the knife could be found near the entrance of the tycoon. After buying the knife, it would appear in your MM2 inventory.
- This was the first event in MM2 history to be played in another game.