Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

The Shadow Item Pack was a gamepass that was introduced by Nikilis on August 8th, 2016. It was originally purchasable for 1299 Robux, and contained the godly knife Nightblade, the godly pet Skelly, and the Darkfire effect. The items inside are now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since gone offsale.

Gamepass Description[]

Below is the description of the gamepass found on Roblox:

[Limited Time Only] Buy this Item Pack and receive three EPIC items!

Contains 3 ULTRA RARE Godly items! These items are not obtainable in any other way!


  • NIGHTBLADE, a Godly Knife
  • DARKFIRE, a unique Effect
  • SKELLY, a Godly Pet

Do not buy this twice from the website, if you want two sets of items use the in-game buy button!


  • It officially went offsale on October 25th, 2018, meaning that it was purchasable for over two years. As a result, this item pack lost a lot of rarity and demand.
  • The link to the gamepass can be found here.

