Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

Robot is a rare knife that was obtainable by purchasing the fourth tier of the Rare Egg Easter battlepass for 8 Rare EggsEggs in the Easter Event 2024. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event as since ended


The edge of the blade is a stripe of a cyan colour, next to it you can see that there is a thick black stripe going through the edge next to it after there is a silver colour along with a cyan stripe going through. The guard has a black colour and the handle is silver with cyan underlined striped to give it a cyborg/robot theme, hance the name.

Tier 1

Rainbow (Knife)Rainbow (Gun)SpaceNightfireGalaxyGalacticImbuedKryptoSpectrumiRevolverHackerDeep SeaNovaVortexAceBaconKorbloxSquireAbstractMusicalBlackPurple

Tier 2

NetherSpitfireMolten (Knife)Molten (Gun)BiogelNuclearDampSnowflakesGhosts (Gun)Portal (Knife)BonesMagma (Knife)Magma (Gun)Watcher (Knife)Watcher (Gun)SwirlHeartIce CamoStarry (Knife)Starry (Gun)GhostfireMakeshiftWraith (Knife)Wraith (Gun)ZombifiedCurse

Tier 3

Toxic (Knife)Toxic (Gun)Vampire (Knife)Vampire (Gun)Aurora (Knife)Aurora (Gun)Candy Swirl (Knife)Candy Swirl (Gun)Snakebite (Knife)Snakebite (Gun)Cane Knife (2018)Cane Gun (2018)Icicles (Knife)Icicles (Gun)Green MarbleOrange MarbleCane Knife (2015)Cane Gun (2015)Ginger (Knife)Ginger (Gun)JackMummyMonsterBatsMagma (2017)DungeonGingerbread (2017)Silent Night (Knife)Silent Night (Gun)SnowyPainted
