Murder Mystery 2, abbreviated as "MM2", is a popular Roblox horror experience created by Nikilis on January 18th, 2014 as a successor to the original Murder Mystery. It is a round-based survival-type game with numerous different maps and modes. It was heavily inspired by Garry's Mod: Murder mode.
Players can level up, prestige, and gain virtual weapons (or variants of a weapon) from gambling on mystery boxes or other means such as trading and crafting.
Game Modes[]
See the dedicated page here: Gamemodes
See also: Standard, Disguises, Assassin
Gamemodes, also known as "Modes", are an optional way to play the game. As of now, there are three different game modes, those being Standard, Disguises, and Assassin. These modes can be switched by the player at any given time, and all the player’s data will be transferred. All game modes have their own separate place, but are still part of Murder Mystery 2.
Standard is the predetermined gamemode upon joining Murder Mystery 2. It features the four roles, which are the Innocents, the Sheriff, the Hero, and the Murderer. Players are allowed to zoom in and out, play as their own character, and use Powers, Radios, Pets, and Emotes.
Disguises generally has the same basic mechanics as Standard, but the core difference is that players are disguised by receiving different names based off of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet during rounds. Players avatars during rounds are also altered to appear similar to ensure that nobody knows who is who. Radios and Pets are not allowed and the player is locked in first person, meaning that they cannot zoom in or out.
Unlike Standard and Disguises where all four roles are implemented during rounds, Assassin only includes the Murderer role. All players upon the beginning of a round where everyone obtains a knife, and a screen of their target appears above. They must kill their target and avoid being killed. Like Standard, players are allowed to zoom in and out, play as their own character, and use Radios, Emotes, and Pets. However, Powers are not allowed to be used in Assassin unlike the other two game modes.
See the dedicated page here: Roles
See also: Innocent, Sheriff, Murderer, Hero
Roles are given to players upon entering a round in Standard or Disguises mode (with the exception of Hero), along with a percentage indicating how likely it is to be Murderer. The Innocent role can be given to a maximum of ten players, one player is given the Sheriff role, and another player is given the Murderer role. However, if there are only two players in a server, the Innocent role is excluded. Each role has specific objectives to achieve before the round ends. Listed below are the objectives of each role.
INNOCENTS: Run and hide from the Murderer. Use your detective skills to expose the Murderer.
SHERIFF: help the Innocents; you are the only one with a weapon who can take down the Murderer.
MURDERER: Kill everyone in the server and don't get killed by the sheriff.
HERO: Hero can only be obtained after claiming the gun once the sheriff has died and then proceeding to kill the murderer with it.
See also: Round Ending Screen
Rounds are started when there is more than one player in a public server. Lobby mode can be enabled in Private Servers to disable rounds. Before a round, players must vote between three randomly selected maps, and the map with the most votes will be chosen. If there are no votes, one of the three maps will randomly be chosen. During a round, the mechanics of the chosen gamemode will be implemented. Rounds end when the Murderer or Assassins run out of time (all modes), the Murderer dies (Standard and Disguises), when there is one Assassin left (Assassin only), or the Murderer has eliminated everyone (Standard and Disguises).
See the dedicated page here: Maps
Throughout the history of Murder Mystery as a whole, Maps have been an integral part of the game, allowing for locations for rounds to take place in. Majority of the maps in Murder Mystery 2 were designed by Zyleak and Thexz, and all these maps include secret hiding spots and hidden easter eggs. In the Lobby, players may enter the voting room to vote between three randomly selected maps. If no player votes, a random map will be chosen.
As of now, there are currently thirteen active maps. The following maps below are the playable maps:
- Bank 2
- Biolab
- Factory
- Hospital 3
- Hotel 2
- House 2
- Mansion 2
- MilBase
- Office 3
- Police Station
- Research Facility
- Workplace
- Beach Resort
- Xbox Game of the Year in the 2020 Bloxy Awards [1] .
- Best Lobby in the 2018 Bloxy Awards [2] .
- Favorite Updated Game and Best Free-For-All Multiplayer Game in the 2016 Bloxy Awards [3] .
- Game of the Year and Most Visited Game of the Year in the Virtual BloxCon 2014 [4] .
- The gamemode Disguises is similar to the overall gameplay of the original Murder Mystery.
- The game has 17.3B visits, 18.9M favorites, and 7M likes as of September 9, 2024.
- Murder Mystery 2's genre is Horror.