Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

Mansion was a fairly small map that consisted of some rooms such as a bathroom, a lounge with a large table, a closet, and a computer lab. The mansion seemed to be owned by either Loleris or Nikilis. There were fair amounts of hiding spots, and the map had a fair size. This map was discontinued in 2017 due to it being replaced by Mansion 2.


  • Touching the "Don't Touch Me" picture would damage the player, which could eventually cause them to die.
  • This map is presumably made by Techante, due to it containing models and decals they have uploaded prior, as-well as some of their friends being included in portraits.
  • Due to the random garbage can in the map, the computer lab, and the urinals, it is speculated that the original map was an office but was renamed to mansion in MM2.


Released Bank 2Bio LabFactoryHospital 3Hotel 2House 2Mansion 2Mil BaseOffice 3Police StationResearch FacilityWorkplace
Halloween Exclusive ManorFarmhouseMineshaftBarn (Infection)
Christmas Exclusive WorkshopLog CabinTrain StationIce CastleSki Lodge
Summer Exclusive Beach Resort
Removed BankBarnHospitalHospital 2HotelHouseLab 2MansionMil-Base (Original)MineshaftOffice 2PondNStudio
Unreleased Beach HouseCargoCasinoCastle CoveColiseumDodgeballArenaMallNight ClubZooDungeon
MM1 (Removed) Abandoned MineAirportBloxburgChaos CanyonCrossroadsGlass HousesHaunted HouseHospital (MM1)Hotel (MM1)HouseItalyLabNeighborhoodOfficeShipTerraria