Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

Not to be confused with the map House from Murder Mystery 2.


The house's icon.

House was a map from Murder Mystery 1. Not much is known about it other than the fact that it was added late in Murder Mystery's development. It was replaced with House in Murder Mystery 2. It was found in a leaked copy of Murder Mystery 1 showcasing an early test for a place stealer script [citation needed] from November 2014 with nothing except the lobby and the map when it was in rotation.


  • In the placeholder icon, there is a grey block next to the window that does not appear in the leaked version.


Released Bank 2Bio LabFactoryHospital 3Hotel 2House 2Mansion 2Mil BaseOffice 3Police StationResearch FacilityWorkplace
Halloween Exclusive ManorFarmhouseMineshaftBarn (Infection)
Christmas Exclusive WorkshopLog CabinTrain StationIce CastleSki Lodge
Summer Exclusive Beach Resort
Removed BankBarnHospitalHospital 2HotelHouseLab 2MansionMil-Base (Original)MineshaftOffice 2PondNStudio
Unreleased Beach HouseCargoCasinoCastle CoveColiseumDodgeballArenaMallNight ClubZooDungeon
MM1 (Removed) Abandoned MineAirportBloxburgChaos CanyonCrossroadsGlass HousesHaunted HouseHospital (MM1)Hotel (MM1)HouseItalyLabNeighborhoodOfficeShipTerraria