Murder Mystery 2 Wiki

The thumbnail for the event.

The Christmas Event 2019 was an event that began on December 23, 2019 and ended on January 13, 2020. During the event, players had access to the Main Event, a new limited time Mystery Box, a Gifting Center, Santa's Challenge, a Leaderboard, the new lobby, a new map, and a new gamepass bundle.

Main Event[]

There were 30 tiers in total. Each one costed 600 Snow Tokens Snow Token, with the ancient, Logchopper, costing 70,000 Snow Tokens on the 30th tier.

Main Event Rewards
Cost Tiers 2 - 30 cost 600 Snow Tokens Snow Token. The Logchopper and Minty Radio cost 70,000 and 5,000 Snow Tokens Snow Token. 70,000 Snow Tokens Snow Token 5,000 Snow Tokens Snow Token
Tier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Image Snowmanpet improved FrostedKnife improved Snowflakes2019Gun PinesUpdated SnowKey GiftsUpdated SnowKey SnowKey GingerbreadKnifeUpdated SnowKey Key improved Elf 2019 improved SnowKey 4534872673 SnowKey Frozen (Gun) 4535365003 SnowKey Key improved Aurora improved Rudolph (pet) ToyToken SnowKey CandySwirlGun improved SnowKey SnowKey Key improved SnowKey Ggf Logchopper Minty Radio is only after purchasing Logchopper. MintyRadio
Name Snowman Pet Frosted Snowflakes Pine Snow Key Gifts Snow Key Snow Key Gingerbread Snow Key Mystery Key Elf Snow Key Lights Snow Key Frozen Santa Snow Key Mystery Key Aurora Rudolph Toy Token Snow Key Candy Swirl Snow Key Snow Key Mystery Key Snow Key Cavern Logchopper Minty (radio)

Coin Exchange[]

Coin Exchange
Base > Conversion
1 Snow Token Snow Token > 1 Coin MM2CoinIcon
1 Diamond Diamond icon > 10 Snow Tokens Snow Token

Christmas Box[]


The 2019 Christmas Box was the new box for this event. It could be opened with 600 Snow Tokens Snow Token or a Snow Key SnowKey.

Christmas Box '19 Weapons
Name Type Rarity Chance Image
Gifts Gun Common 70% Gifts icon
Frosted Gun Common 70% Frosted
Snowflakes Knife Common 70% Snowflakes 2019
Pine Gun Common 70% Pine gun
Frozen Knife Uncommon 15% Frozen Knife
Gingerbread Gun Uncommon 15% GingerbreadGun2019 improved
Lights Knife Uncommon 15% Lights Knife
Aurora Gun Rare 10% Aurora Gun
Candy Swirl Knife Rare 10% CandySwirl improved
Cavern Gun Legendary 5% Cavern Gun
Minty Gun Godly <1%* Hdminty

*The exact chance of unboxing a Godly weapon is unknown.

Gifting Center[]

Gifting center

The gifting center was where Gifts Gift 2023 could be purchased for 1,000 Snow Tokens Snow Token. These Gifts could only be open on other players. Inside the Gift was a random item from any Mystery Box. Giving 100 Gifts Gift 2023 would reward the player with Lugercane.

Santa's Challenge[]

In this challenge, Saint Nikilis claims that he needs to finish off a few gifts for Christmas, and that he needs your help. 10 weapons that the player does not have will be listed (4 commons, 3 uncommons, 2 rares, and 1 legendary). Once all weapons were obtained, the player would be rewarded with Santa's Magic.



There were 2 leaderboards during this event, one for Token-Collecting Snow Token and one for Gift-Giving Gift. Spending tokens or buying tokens did not affect the total amount of tokens collected. Unique Trophies were awarded to the top 100 token collectors and gifters, the token reward being Blue Logchopper and the gifting reward being Blue minty. The top 3 of these 100 received their own gold, silver, or bronze variation. The collected tokens variation is a Logchopper, and the gifts given variation is a Minty.

Leaderboard Rewards
Name Image Obtain Owner (Except Blue)
Blue Logchopper BlueLogchopper Top 100 on Tokens Collected Leaderboard Snow Token -
Blue Minty Blue minty Top 100 on Gifts Given Leaderboard Gift -
Bronze Logchopper BronzeLog 3rd Place on Tokens Collected Leaderboard Snow Token FieryFallen_Angel
Bronze Minty BronzeMinty 3rd Place on Gifts Given Leaderboard Gift proto_fox
Silver Logchopper LogchopperSilver 2nd Place on Tokens Collected Leaderboard Snow Token ChrisPatron
Silver Minty MintySilverUpdated 2nd Place on Gifts Given Leaderboard Gift DreamfulBella
Gold Logchopper GoldLogchopper 1st Place on Tokens Collected Leaderboard Snow Token HippocriticaI
Gold Minty MintyGoldUpdated 1st Place on Gifts Given Leaderboard Gift vFad4d (User Banned)


A new map, Workshop, was released this event. It was themed as the toy workshop of Saint Nikilis and his elves. It had unique features such as an elf morph and the elf of the year picture that displayed the avatar of the user that saw it.




Logchopper was the new ancient knife, in order to obtain it, one must have finished the Tier Event and have payed 70,000 Snow Tokens Snow Token.




The first feature of the Christmas Event was the release of Eternalcane, which was obtained by buying anything from MM2Shop.

Frostbite Item Pack[]

The Frostbite Item Pack was released for 1,699 Robux. This pack was only available during the event.

Frostbite Item Pack
Name Type Image
Frostbite Knife Frostbite improved
Frostbite (Effect) Effect FBE2019
Icey Pet Icey improved


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