Murder Mystery 2 Wiki
Chaos Canyon

The view of the map

Chaos Canyon was a map from Murder Mystery 1. It was removed at an unknown date during Murder Mystery 1.


The map was a copy of an old popular Roblox game called Chaos Canyon made by Shedletsky and published under the ROBLOX account. The map has thin walls, a bunker, a exterior-column and two specific towers.


  • The reason for its removal could be possibly be due to complaints by players that the map being big and it was hard for the murderer to win.

Released Bank 2Bio LabFactoryHospital 3Hotel 2House 2Mansion 2Mil BaseOffice 3Police StationResearch FacilityWorkplace
Halloween Exclusive ManorFarmhouseMineshaftBarn (Infection)
Christmas Exclusive WorkshopLog CabinTrain StationIce CastleSki Lodge
Summer Exclusive Beach Resort
Removed BankBarnHospitalHospital 2HotelHouseLab 2MansionMil-Base (Original)MineshaftOffice 2PondNStudio
Unreleased Beach HouseCargoCasinoCastle CoveColiseumDodgeballArenaMallNight ClubZooDungeon
MM1 (Removed) Abandoned MineAirportBloxburgChaos CanyonCrossroadsGlass HousesHaunted HouseHospital (MM1)Hotel (MM1)HouseItalyLabNeighborhoodOfficeShipTerraria